Forever Paris: Timeless Photographs of the City of Lights


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Keystone Press Agency
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In the carefree years of the early twentieth century, Paris bubbled with energy and an exuberance to enjoy life to the fullest. This beautifully produced pocket edition of nostalgic blackand- white photographs celebrates the vibrant character of this ªmovable feastªŒ of a city. The photographs capture the glittering stars of the day ambling through the streets and nightclubs of Parisª¢Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall, Nina Simone and Miles Davis, Marlene Dietrich and Sammy Davis Jr. Daydream away a sunny afternoon with a fresh-faced Audrey Hepburn on a cafû? terrace. Admire the perfect silhouette of a young Yves Saint Laurent lost in thought. Fall in love like the enamored couple embracing along the banks of the Seine. Note the graceful breeze catching the hem of a fashionable woman on the Champs-ûƒlysû?es. Join young Parisians sailing miniature sailboats in the Luxembourg Gardens or observe local passersby at the lighthearted, musical spectacle of Parisian street life. From visions of sunbathers by the Eiffel Tower to the glamour of jazz bars and Josephine Baker, discover the timeless charm of the City of Lights in this carefully curated collection of photographs from the first half of the twentieth century that capture the effervescent spirit of life in Paris.