Our Floriography A5 Notebook brings delicate flower art by talented Kimberly Ellen Hall to your desk and inspires us to write, draw and sketch. Lovely loosely rendered flowers remind us that it's always summer somewhere. This soft-covered paperback notebook has full-colour artwork on the front and back cover by the best illustrators and artists from around the world. 140 pages of 5mm dot-grid paper is an excellent canvas for bullet journaling, list-making, all forms of writing and doodling. Bring it everywhere you go. Handsome exposed, section-sewn binding means the notebook lies flat when open on any page. Soft-covered paperback notebook. Full-colour artwork on front and back cover. 140, lined printed pages. Exposed, section-sewn binding. Matching black dip-dyed edges. Lays flat. Kimberly Ellen Hall is one half of Nottene, pronounced (nuh-ten-uh), a Philadelphia based print and pattern studio that makes hand-drawn and printed wallpaper and fabric. Kimberly is interested in drawing the small details of everyday life. Her illustration work has graced runways, books, museums, and retail products internationally.