Yumi Kitagishi is a Tokyo-based illustrator known for her striking harmony of colors, hand-drawn style, and imaginative characters, reminiscent of children's picture books. One of her specialties is her creation of full, rich, miniature worlds. We are proud to present Yumi's one-of-a-kind illustration for our latest 500-Piece Puzzle release. Reading Light shows a sweet night garden scene full of flowers and creatures getting cozy to read favorite books under lamplight. 500-piece jigsaw puzzle Durable, compact, 2-piece box Gift box: 7.8 x 6 x 2 inches Completed puzzle: 14 x 19 inches teNeues NYC Stationery keeps up with fun and games at home with our museum-quality printed 500-Piece Puzzles. Packaged in durable, compact boxes, our 500-Piece Puzzles feature full-color artwork, expertly-printed with nontoxic inks on sturdy, puzzle greyboard.
Reading Light 500-Piece Puzzle
teNeues Calendars & Stationery GmbH & Co. KG
- SKU:
- 9781623258771